Lock Out Tag Out Training Course

See available classes


This course has been designed to meet and exceed Occupational Health and Safety Guide and is applicable to any worker who is responsible for maintaining, servicing or inspecting machinery or work areas that require isolation.

Upon successful completion of this course, participants will receive a 3 year certification in Lock out Tag out.

Course Description

Lock out-tag out (LOTO) or lock and tag, is a safety procedure which is used in industry and research settings to ensure that dangerous machines are properly shut off and not able to be started up again prior to the completion of maintenance or servicing work. It requires that hazardous energy sources be "isolated and rendered inoperative" before work is started on the equipment in question. The isolated power sources are then locked and a tag is placed on the lock identifying the worker who has placed it. The worker then holds the key for the lock ensuring that only he or she can start the machine. This prevents accidental startup of a machine while it is in a hazardous state or while a worker is in direct contact with it.

Safety devices such as barrier guards or guarding devices are installed on systems to maintain worker safety while these systems are being operated. When non-routine activities such as maintenance, repair or set-up; or the removal of jams, clogs or misaligned feeds are performed, these safety devices may be removed provided there are alternative methods in place to protect workers from the increased risk of injury of exposure to the unintended or inadvertent release of energy. (Source: CCOHS)

AIP Safety provides a comprehensive 4-hour Lock Out Tag Out course in Calgary, AB.

This course is designed to ensure employers, management and workers understand the hazards associated with uncontrolled energy, along with the proper methods of controlling energy through a properly developed and implemented lockout program.

Course Objectives

  • Lockout and Definitions
  • Types of energy
  • Hazardous Energy Control Program
  • Lockout Devices and Steps to Lockout
  • Lockout Processes
  • Alternate Hazardous Energy Control Methods

Classroom Training

Select a date to register for a class.

You can register a maximum of 4 seats online. If you need to book more than four seats click here.

Tuesday: 8:30 am - 12:30 pm
$145 /per seat 4 seats available
Tuesday: 8:30 am - 12:30 pm
$145 /per seat 4 seats available