Value Added Service

Incident Investigation

At AIP Safety, we understand that incidents can happen on any job site. While mitigation can limit the loss associated with them, prevention can eliminate loss entirely. We must first identify what factors led to the incident to learn from our mistakes.

Proper investigation techniques create a clear picture of what happened and why. Companies can use this info to create new policies, training, and safe work practices to ensure a safer work environment.

AIP provides an in-depth investigation of incidents that may occur on your job sites. Services will include a thorough investigation into what contributing factors led to the incident and possible solutions to prevent future incidents of that nature.

Comprehensive Incident Investigation Process

Our incident investigation process at AIP Safety is thorough and methodical. Our team conducts a detailed assessment, including witness interviews and physical evidence examination, to collect all relevant data.

We utilize specialized techniques to analyze data and identify the root causes of the incident. Our findings and recommendations are provided in a comprehensive report, the foundation for developing corrective action plans. These plans are then implemented and monitored for effectiveness, ensuring your workplace remains safe and compliant with all relevant regulations.

Expert Team of Investigators

Our incident investigation team at AIP Safety comprises experienced professionals with extensive knowledge of incident causation models, investigative techniques, and occupational health and safety fundamentals. The team includes employees familiar with the work processes, area supervisors, safety officers, health and safety committee members, and, when necessary, outside experts or local government representatives. This diverse team ensures a thorough and unbiased investigation.

Why Choose AIP Safety for Incident Investigations?

Choosing AIP Safety for your incident investigation needs ensures that all incidents are thoroughly investigated and root causes are identified. Our commitment to developing practical corrective actions helps prevent future incidents and promotes a safety culture within your organization. We ensure strict compliance with occupational health and safety regulations, minimizing the risk of legal repercussions and improving workplace safety.

Our professional approach includes:

  • Comprehensive data collection and analysis
  • Detailed and actionable recommendations
  • Development and implementation of corrective action plans
  • Continuous monitoring and evaluation for effectiveness

By partnering with AIP Safety, businesses can benefit from our expertise in incident investigation. This leads to improved safety practices and reduced risk of future incidents. Our services help you maintain compliance with occupational health and safety regulations, avoid penalties, and enhance your organization's reputation as a safe workplace.

We work closely with your team to ensure that all recommended measures are implemented and adjusted as needed, fostering a proactive approach to workplace safety. Our goal is to support your organization in fostering a safe work environment for all employees.

If your business is interested in an incident investigation, please get in touch with our Calgary office at 403-202-2477, and one of our knowledgeable staff members will assist you.

Incident Investigation Services in Calgary

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an incident, and why should it be investigated?

An incident is defined as an occurrence, situation, or condition arising during the course of work that resulted in or may have resulted in injuries, illnesses, damage to health, or fatalities. Investigating incidents is crucial because it helps identify the root causes, which can prevent similar incidents in the future. The primary goal is to find facts that lead to corrective actions, not to assign blame.

How does an incident differ from an accident?

While both terms are often used interchangeably, an “accident” typically refers to an unplanned event that interrupts the completion of an activity and may or may not include property damage or injury. An “incident” can refer to an event that did not cause damage or injury but had the potential to do so. Terms like “near miss” or “dangerous occurrence” also describe events that could have caused harm but did not.

Who should be involved in investigating an incident?

An incident investigation should be conducted by a team of people with various expertise, including those knowledgeable in incident causation models, investigative techniques, legal and organizational requirements, occupational health and safety fundamentals, and the specific work processes involved. This team might include employees with knowledge of the work, the area supervisor, a safety officer, health and safety committee members, union representatives, experienced investigators, and possibly outside experts or local government representatives.

Why is it important to look for the root cause of an incident?

Looking for the root cause is essential because incidents rarely have a single cause. Identifying the underlying factors in a chain of events that lead to an incident helps prevent recurrence. For example, an investigation that only concludes “worker carelessness” fails to address questions about distractions, unsafe procedures, equipment functionality, and training, which are crucial for implementing effective corrective measures.