This course applies to various industries with confined spaces on their worksites, including but not limited to oil and gas, construction, office buildings, industrial, rail, manufacturing and any area that meets the definition of confined space.
Course Description
AIP Safety is offering/instructing ESC Confined Space Training on behalf of Energy Safety Canada, and the training credential is under Energy Safety Canada. Alberta Occupational Health & Safety Code and the ESC define a confined space as a restricted space that may become hazardous to a worker entering it because of the following:
● An atmosphere that is or may be harmful because of oxygen deficiency or enrichment, flammability, explosivity or toxicity.
● A condition or changing set of circumstances within that space that presents a potential for injury or illness.
● The potential or inherent characteristics of an activity which can produce adverse or harmful consequences within the space.
Confined spaces present special hazards to workers, including risks of toxic or asphyxiant gas exposure, fires, falls and entrapment. Workers must remain aware of these potential hazards and how to avoid or control them in their daily work activities.
ESC Confined Space is a one-day course (8 Hours) and will teach participants basic knowledge and proficiency concerning confined space entry procedures, legislation and the related Regional Code of Practice. Additionally, participants will be taught knowledge and proficiency in performing the required duties of a Confined Space Monitor.
Course Objectives
- Confined Space Monitor Basics
- Legislation and Regional Code of Practice
- Confined Space Entry Planning and Hazard Assessment
- Confined Space Identification and definitions (confined space/restricted space)
- Flammable Explosive Atmospheres
- Oxygen Enrichment/Flammable Atmospheres
- Oxygen Deficient/Inert Atmospheres
- Isolation, Ventilation, Purging, Atmospheric Monitoring Requirements
- Confined Space Control Measures
- Confined Space Entry Permitting
- Entry Tags & Signage
- Confined Space Monitor Responsibilities

Classroom Training
Select a date to register for a class.
You can register a maximum of 4 seats online. If you need to book more than four seats click here.
$165 /per seat 4 seats available
$165 /per seat 4 seats available
$165 /per seat 4 seats available