Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) Awareness Course: Online Training

H2S Awareness Course

Hydrogen Sulphide Awareness Course

Construction and industrial work are some of the most dangerous career fields in the world. However, on the opposite side of that coin, they are also the lifeblood of pretty much any metropolitan region, which means this line of work is incredibly valuable. With this being the case, proper training and education are a necessity for the health and safety of workers.

That’s why we here at AIP Safety are committed to delivering high-quality online H2S Awareness Courses in Calgary. And one of the programs we’d like to share with you is the Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) Awareness (Awareness Only Training).

Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) Awareness

This training program is best suited for those who need to possess an H2S certificate for their employment at a particular job site or company. This type of training is often utilized in fields such as water treatment, construction, and natural gas.

This online course will expand your understanding of all facets of H2S. Some of these points include but are not limited to:

  • Responsibilities of both employer and employee
  • PPE (Personal Protective Equipment: steel toe boots, hard hat, gloves, etc)
  • Procedures for rescue
  • H2S hazard assessments
  • The hazards of H2S
  • How to recognize H2S

The course is a comprehensive program that explains what you must know and do to maintain adequate safety measures when dealing with H2S. Additionally, it accentuates important details and evaluates your retention of information once each module has been completed.

Moreover, the program is designed to be done wholly online.

In short, this online training will supply the information needed in order to correctly assess and handle hazards connected with H2S. In addition, you will learn about H2S properties, the health risks correlated with excessive exposure, methods of observation, as well as permissible limits of exposure to H2S.

Additional course details include:

  • The killer gas of hydrogen sulphide
  • Oil & gas industry procedures for managing hydrogen sulphide
  • Personal measures for protection
  • Plans of contingency
  • Safety systems and methods

In-Class Training

An in-class training option is also offered. Similar to the online training program, the in-person alternative is geared towards those working in the construction and industrial sectors.

In Alberta, the majority of exposure to hydrogen sulphide is to employees working jobs such as drilling, natural gas production, construction, etc. This gas [hydrogen sulphide] is highly poisonous; exposure takes place when employees inhale air that’s contaminated with hydrogen sulphide particles. Consequently, the gas then enters their system where the lungs absorb it. This is why proper training is crucial for the health and safety of workers who deal with H2S regularly.

This in-class training is an 8-hour course created with the purpose to impart the ability and expertise to workers in the field to properly handle and manage H2S.

Some of the course goals are to teach you about the:

  • Hazards and risks associated with H2S
  • How to protect yourself against H2S
  • Fundamental practices for rescue
  • How to use a self-sustaining breathing device