Mobile Respirator Fit Testing Course, What You Need to Know

Respirator Fit Testing

Respirator fit Testing - AIP Safety

Our Mobile Respirator Fit Testing in Calgary is an important element of an effective Respiratory Protection Program. This type of training and education is a preliminary step for enhanced safety in your workplace. It assists your staff and workforce with ensuring accurate and efficient testing protocols and procedures are met and followed.

Manufactured to offer an improved knowledge base of fit testing via both thesis and practice, students are guided through a detailed review of the procedure and technology used for respirator fit testing. Keep reading to learn more.

Why Choose Us?

At AIP Safety, we offer comprehensive, in-depth, and high-quality training resources for a variety of programs. Everything from Confined Space Pre-Entry and Fall Protection Awareness, all the way to WHIMIS and of course, Respirator Fit Testing. In fact, the quality of this [Respirator Fit Testing] program exceeds the conditions laid forth by the CSA and the OHS (the leading institutions for respiratory protective equipment).

AIP’s unwavering dedication to the best practices of safety is founded on the appreciation of each and every individual in the workforce. We provide superior health and safety administration systems which protect workers as well as the environment. And this strong degree of commitment is echoed in the in-depth training courses we provide – including but not limited to respirator fit testing.

Course Recognition: Respiratory Protection Program

The primary aim of fit testing is to secure a functional seal when utilizing a clasped, close-fitting respirator. Any individual who must adhere to the requirement of wearing a close-fitting mask during their everyday activities should be fit tested. This is for safety purposes as an effective seal is a necessity in certain working conditions.

View the list below to see which topics are covered in our fit testing:

  • Proper respirator donning and doffing
  • How to properly perform seal checks
  • Care, use, and upkeep of the respirators

Upon successful completion of the fit test course, each participant is gifted with a wallet card signaling the following:

  • The make, size, and model of the mask
  • The variation of Fit Testing
  • Expiry Date
  • Two-year validation certification

Offering Qualitative and Quantitative Fit Tests

If they own one, participants are encouraged to bring their own mask(s). We provide MSA, Scott, 3M, and additional mask variations for on and off-site fit testing reasons. Moreover, for the fit testing process, participants can also bring other products. The tests take 15 minutes – to get the proper mask seal, a clean-shaven face is required.

Final Thoughts

For more than a decade, AIP Safety has been at the forefront of quality courses and high-calibre training services. And this reputation has touched the lives of thousands of students over the years, giving way to educated workforces and safe work working conditions and environments.

For these reasons, if you’re interested in learning more about our courses and services, or you simply have a few questions that you’d like answers to, contact us today for more information.