5 Key Factors To Know About H2S Alive Training

H2S Alive training

Know About H2S Alive Training - AIP Safety

Hydrogen Sulphide (or H2S) is a colourless, combustible, extraordinarily dangerous gas that produces a rotten egg odour. Also referred to as sewer gas, manure gas, or even swamp gas, it naturally occurs in crude petroleum as well as hot springs.

In Alberta, most oil and gas workers are required to complete an H2S Alive course. Other industries – where workers are exposed to H2S – encourage their employees to complete the training for their safety and protection.

This poisonous gas is both explosive and corrosive. Moreover, It is absorbed by the lungs and poses a very serious health risk.

H2S alive training in Calgary is a necessity for workers whose jobs require them to work in close proximity to this hazardous gas.

Some industries and environments where workers can be exposed to H2S include:

  • Oil and gas
  • Construction
  • Sewage treatment plants
  • Manufacturing plants using raw materials
  • Well drillers
  • Tunnel workers
  • Mining

After successful completion of H2S Alive training in Calgary, participants receive their Energy Safety Canada Training Service certification which is valid for three years. Below is some important information to know before your course date.

1. The training involves both practical knowledge and hands-on experience

Even in small amounts, H2S can be fatal if workers don’t have the proper training to manage or deal with H2S exposure. For this reason, the H2S Alive training course is designed to provide participants with practical knowledge and hands-on experience.

At the end of the course, you’ll be able to:

  • Identify the physical properties of H2S
  • Understand the health hazards of exposure and evaluate the risks
  • Apply control measures and monitor the effectiveness of control measures
  • Determine where H2S can be located on your job site
  • Perform hazard assessment and control
  • Protect yourself and others from potentially breathing in H2S
  • Operate a self-contained breathing apparatus
  • Perform rescue lift and drag techniques
  • Apply an initial response strategy
  • Perform basic rescue techniques

2. H2S training is required for most employees in the oil and gas industry

H2S is a by-product of decaying organic matter often found where oil and gas are extracted or produced. Although it’s heavier than air and is often associated with a foul, rotten-egg smell, hydrogen sulphide can be difficult to detect without training. Most oil and gas companies have mandated H2S training to keep their employees safe.

Worker safety will always be more important than getting the job done. As a result, the course completion mandate is more than justified amongst workers, employers, and contractors. Everybody deserves to go home at the end of the day safe and healthy.

3. It’s designed to protect you from a potentially life-threatening situation

Exposure to H2S can be serious and fatal. And of course, the higher the exposure levels, the more severe the symptoms. Some of the symptoms include:

  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Coughing
  • Loss of smell
  • Airway issues
  • Eye and skin irritation
  • Convulsions
  • Unconsciousness
  • And in the worst-case scenario: Death

Because H2S impacts the respiratory tract and mucous membranes of the body, prolonged exposure or exposure to extreme amounts can lead to rapid unconsciousness, and if not properly treated, could even result in death.

This is why it’s imperative that workers who are at risk of H2S exposure take the training, which will help you identify hazards and measure the safety of the job site.

4. H2S Alive training teaches you how to assist in rescue situations

Along with practical knowledge, the course walks participants through common rescue situations if a worker has been exposed to H2S or is showing symptoms of exposure. This includes an initial response strategy that will detail how to:

  • Safely evacuate the site
  • Alarm other employees of the hazard
  • Assess the situation
  • Apply control measures and protect the site and other workers from exposure
  • Apply first aid or CPR
  • Seek medical aid

This kind of education can literally save lives in a compromising situation. For this reason, it is paramount that the course is taken and followed through to completion. Accidents happen all the time – that’s life.

But by being properly prepared with first-rate training, you can respond appropriately to the circumstance at hand and produce a favourable result for everybody involved.

5. It helps you work safely and gives you peace of mind while on the job site

Last but certainly not least, completing an H2S Alive training course gives you peace of mind knowing that you can protect yourself and your team while on the job. Preventing anyone from serious harm and death is certainly the biggest investment in time and money that you can make as a professional in your field.

You’ll feel safer knowing your colleagues have undergone the same training. And you’ll also feel more confident knowing that you can handle serious situations should they ever arise.


Training is a prerequisite for education, and education is the best way to ensure the safety of yourself as well as others in the field. Don’t ignore this vital element of workplace best practices. Get the training you need to protect your health and safety today.

At AIP Safety, we tap our comprehensive network of Health and Safety experts to provide you with detailed, high-quality training programs that give you the knowledge you need to complete any job safely.

Contact us to learn more about H2S Alive training in Calgary, or any other training programs you may be interested in.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is basic H2S training?

Basic H2S Training is a course that guides you through the various components of H2S safety such as H2S hazards, detecting H2S, industrial applications, proper safety measures, health impacts of H2S, responsibilities of workers and employers, and more.

What is the industry-recognized training course required in Canada which covers exposure to H2S?

H2S Alive® Training.

This training course has garnered worldwide recognition as the premier H2S training program – and in Canada, it remains an industry standard.

What is H2S awareness?

H2S Awareness is the idea of specialized knowledge regarding the properties of H2S. This includes such concepts as assessing the presence and amount of H2S exposure, identifying control measures, and offering pragmatic ideas for how to respond if exposure has occurred.