Choosing the Right Confined Space Training Provider in Calgary

Confined Space Training

Confined Space Training Provider in Calgary

Confined space training can be the difference between life and death in some cases, so choosing the right provider of this training in Calgary is crucial to workplace safety. Courses that offer up-to-date and thoughtful training means that your team can have the most comprehensive knowledge of confined space risks and what to do in case of an emergency.

What is Confined Space Training?

Confined space training is a specialized training designed to teach workers about the dangers and safe practices associated with working in confined spaces. A confined space is typically an enclosed or semi-enclosed area not designed for continuous human occupancy and may have limited entry or exit points, posing severe risks to workers. Such spaces can include, but are not limited to, tanks, silos, storage bins, manholes, pits, pipelines, and vessels.

Who needs Confined Space Certification?

Many industries benefit from and require confined space certification training. Job positions include:

  • Electrician
  • Welder
  • Construction labourer
  • Oilfield labourer
  • Scaffolder
  • Insulator
  • Jackhammer operator
  • Pipeline Inspector
  • Energy API inspector

What are the Types of Confined Space Training Courses?

AIP offers two types of confined space training courses: general industry and construction industry confined space entry training. What is the difference?

General Industry Confined Space Training

The training designed for the general industry delves into various critical aspects of confined space work. It teaches participants how to identify what constitutes a confined space. It emphasizes understanding the potential hazards one might face within these spaces.

The course also elaborates on the systems for authorizing entry into confined spaces. Before entering, there's a focus on the preparatory steps to ensure safe work within these areas. Once inside, the emphasis shifts to guidelines and best practices to work safely.

Participants are taught the creation and awareness of contingency plans for emergencies. Additionally, the course underscores the responsibilities and obligations not just of the workers but also of supervisors, contractors, and employers.

Construction Industry Confined Space Entry Training

The training tailored for the construction industry offers a unique perspective on confined space entry. The course's primary focus is understanding the most prevalent causes behind fatalities in confined spaces. There's a significant emphasis on the duties of an entry supervisor, ensuring knowledgeable individuals oversee workers.

Participants are educated about the conditions that render a confined space hazardous. The program also raises awareness about the sobering statistics on confined space fatalities. It ensures workers know relevant regulations, general requirements, and permit rules governing confined space entry. Furthermore, it provides a deep dive into the procedures, responsibilities, and equipment essential for safe entry and work within confined spaces.

Awareness Training

We also offer a Confined Space Pre-Entry Awareness (Awareness Only Training) course remotely.

If you're wondering which course is right for you, we suggest both. Each program offers workplace best practices and knowledge to foster a safer work experience.

AIP is the Top Confined Space Training Provider in Calgary

The Confined Space Awareness, Entry, and Monitor (Rescue Practical) course offers a comprehensive 8-hour training tailored to various industries like oil and gas, construction, industrial settings, and more.

The Alberta Occupational Health & Safety Code serves as the foundation, defining what qualifies as a confined space and the inherent risks from toxic gas exposure to falls and entrapment.

Upon completing our comprehensive training, participants will not only be able to identify and navigate the hazards of confined spaces but will also gain an understanding of exposure limits, legislation, safe work procedures, and practical communication skills, among other essential topics. Participants will be awarded a three-year certification, ensuring they approach confined spaces with the utmost safety and awareness.